《蒲公英飛翔》舞蹈匯報演出 2021
日期 :2021.02.06 (六)及07 (日) 時間 :15:30, 20:00 地點 :文化中心綜合劇院 票價 :澳門幣 180, 150 售票地點 : 澳門(廣星)售票網 蒲公英是浪漫率性的孩子,帶著希望、信念和對未來的憧憬,隨風飄飄盪盪,散落在世界每個角落散播承傳的種子。不論種子最終根落何處,依然帶著微笑迎向陽光。學習舞蹈的孩子也像蒲公英一樣,不論在哪裡成長,她們依然堅持自己的夢想,在學有所成後,便隨風飛揚到更廣闊的天空,尋找需要舞蹈滋潤的地方,將舞蹈的美和精神傳送到世界每個角落。 英姿舞園以撒播蒲公英種子為理念,於2021年《蒲公英飛翔》舞蹈匯報演出中,讓小朋友及年輕舞者們展示多個風格類型的舞蹈小品。透過四場各自精彩的節目,帶著舞蹈的種子,與你一起從多角度看舞、賞舞、感受舞。繼續秉承「推廣舞蹈及表演藝術・實現藝術共享・迸發當代舞蹈的創意和美」的宗旨。 主辦:英姿舞園 資助:文化中心場地資助 支持:澳門中葡舞蹈藝術協會 藝術總監:郭英姿 監製:黃鎬藍 導師:郭英姿|Annette Ng|Rosita Ng|吳玉婷|廖淑華|劉楚華|鮑嘉盈|李慧妍|陳慧詩|張倩芝|何敏婷|李伊莉|黎俊欣|莊詠琪 行政經理:吳玉婷 技術總監 :梁順裕 執行舞台監督 :湯詩敏 助理舞台監督:廖嘉豪 項目主任:彭皚瑩 平面設計:馮影肖@海納創作 攝影:林亮、盧聖生、葉成就、譚震洋 |
Dandelions Taking Wings 2021
Date:2021.02.06 (Sat) & 07 (Sun) Time:15:30, 20:00 Venue:Grand Auditorium of Macao Cultural Centre Ticket Price: MOP 180, 150 Ticketing:Macauticket.com (Kong Seng) A dandelion is a romantic child with hope, determination and faith towards the future. It travels with the wind to spread the seeds of love to wherever it goes. No matter where the seeds end up, they will look up to the bright and cheery sun. Dance learners are like dandelions. No matter where they grow up, they stick to their passion and dreams and fly high to spread the beauty and spirit of dance to where they are needed. In“Dandelions Taking Wings” 2021, let our children and young dancers be dandelions, and bring you the seeds of joy in dance through four different programs on different nights. Organised by: Ieng Chi Dance Association Sponsored by: CCM - Concessionary Rate Supported by: Associação de Arte de Dança Luso-Chinesa de Macau Artistic Director:Lilian Kuok Producer:Mary Wong Instructors:Lillian Kuok|Annette Ng|Rosita Ng|Yuki Ng|Sue Lio| Janice Pao| Lei Wai In|Christy Chan|Celia Cheong|Anless Ho|Elisa Lei|Iris Lai|Weng Kei Chong Production Manager:Yuki Ng Technical Director:Sam Leong Deputy Stage Manager:Sarah Tong Assistant Stage Manager:Nero Lio Project Manager:Josephine Pang Graphic Designer:Shadow Fong@VIEWDESIGN Photographers:Energy Lam、Louis Lou、Justin Ip、Erik Tam |