2017 「英姿舞園 x 澳門大學舞蹈隊」 舞蹈交流演出計劃
日期:2017年9月3日 地點:澳門大學-大學會堂 英姿舞園與澳門大學舞蹈隊於2017年9月3日假澳大大學會堂再次攜手共獻了一場別具教育意義的演出。是繼2013年《DanString》、2016年交流演出後第三次澳門大學及英姿舞園的合作展演。 演出以展演兩舞團共同學習及交流之舞蹈成果為題,由英姿舞園、澳大舞蹈隊以及《凝眸敦煌》大師班之學員共同拉開序幕,展現由敦煌大師史敏教授所編之《啓示・冥想》及《伎樂天・三十六姿》兩敦煌寶塊。隨後,多個原創小品陸續上演,除了更多兩團共演之節目,本年小品的種類更多樣,主題亦更廣,可說是往年合作計劃的昇華及延伸。 英姿舞園感謝澳門大學的大力支持,特別是學生事務長彭執中先生以及統領澳大舞蹈隊的李自豪教授的光臨及指導,共同推動不同學習階段的藝術教育發展。英姿舞園同時衷心感謝學生、家長、各舞團成員及台前幕後人員的支持!舞園近年製作漸趨成熟,每年均推出不同主題及形式的節目或交流創作,更特別專注學生團體間的互動交流。全賴您們的支持,才能於短短的時間內,令這個教育展現完滿舉行,實踐背後的理念 - 透過演出提升學生的自信及熱誠、學習藝術創作的多面向過程、拓展大眾對藝術教育的理解等等。希望能再次共同激發兩團合作演出,在教育及創作上互相啟發! 相片提供: Energy Lam, Louis Lou |
2017 ICDA X UM Dance Troupe – a Dance Exchange and Performance
Date: 3 Sept 2017 Venue: UHall of University of Macau Ieng Chi Dance Association and the University of Macau Dance Troupe co-organized yet another very educative dance event on the 3rd Sept 2017 at the University Hall of the University of Macau, which was a performance to show the learning process and results of dance students at various educational levels – ranging from young kids to mature dancers who performed in professional contexts. The performance opened with two Dunhuang Dance sequences choreographed by Dance Master ShiMin and performed by ICDA dancers and the UM Dance Troupe members, followed by a number of original dance pieces created by ICDA members. Like shooting the growing process of a dancer for the audience, the performance this year demonstrated the growth and learning progress through the increased versatilities and strengths shown by the dancers and choreographers. Ieng Chi Dance Association was truly honoured to have Mr. Paul Pang (Director of the Student Affairs Office) and Mr. Michael Li (Director of the UM Dance Troupe) of the University to attend the performance and motivate the development of art education at the University level. ICDA also wanted to express deep gratitude towards its members and their parents, and the production crew as their unique support was the running force behind this first attempt to organize an educational showcase with exchanging sessions and made this performance possible within such a short period of time. All these help to build up the education motive of ICDA – to nurture the passion and confidence of students, to introduce the multi-faceted nature of art creation, and to promote dance education to the public through organising more purposeful and meaningful performances. Photo Credit: Energy Lam, Louis Lou |