跨媒界環境創作演出及展覧 2021年,適逢著名詩人泰戈爾逝世80週年,這位印度近代偉大的詩人泰戈爾,也是世界文學史上的匠師,他一生創作了大量的作品,1913年獲諾貝爾文學獎。藉此,我們重溫了《新月集》及《飛鳥集》中的美麗世界。前者泰戈爾以孩子之眼觀看這個世界,在詩集中處處可見兒童般的想法及話語,細膩地刻畫了孩子天真可愛富於幻想的性格和心理,也映照出一些我們遺忘了的簡單純綷的快樂。而《飛鳥集》共收錄300多首清麗的小詩,土地和山河、白昼和黑夜、溪流和海洋、自由和背叛,彷彿自然與人性,都在泰戈爾的筆下合二为一,短小的語句道出了深刻的人生哲理。 是次創作,英姿舞園與本澳音樂人張偉樑及詩人吳一怡攜手合作,選址澳門兩個既富歷史承載,又富社區生活氣息的公共空間,與一眾本地舞者來一場詩歌、音樂和舞蹈的踫撞,從經典文學的啓思,引發結構即興的舞蹈編排及現場音樂的互動,讓我們一起: ~。~。~。~ 跟隨詩的旅程,遊歷一段風景 乘上泰戈爾的《紙船》 傾聽《飛鳥集》的呼喚 在大樹下、在水池邊、在碎石路上、在孩童老人的戲語間 在這些數百年彷如一瞬的城市一隅 讓音樂、舞蹈、詩韻、速寫、影像與我們 來一場偶遇 ~。~。~。~ 〔演出詳情〕 2021年12月5日(日) 4:30pm:亞婆井前地 2021年12月12日(日) 4:30pm:白鴿巢公園 〔門票] 免費登記(門票有限,先登記先得) 觀眾登記:https://docs.google.com/forms/d/1iWSKWEdTkJl9gU4sIP5sPFoXaDMMQC8CZDtrmJIfGww/edit?usp=drive_web *具體集合地點及防疫安排將有訊息通知已登記人士 〔公開展覧〕 2022年1月1日至1月7日 地點:雅文湖畔M軸空間S2店 時間:1:00pm-9:00pm 〔團隊〕 藝術總監:郭英姿 編舞:劉楚華 監製:廖家琪@點象藝術協會 創作舞者:伍淑華、李倩雯、李健添、林敏娜、陳曉青、陳紫茵、許佳琳、張綺華、彭皚瑩 (按姓氏筆劃排序) 音樂演奏:張偉樑 詩人:吳一怡 影像紀錄及創作:柯智偉 平面設計:馮肖影@覺度廣告設計 技術:林俊熠、廖嘉豪 製作顧問:鄺華歡 主辦單位:英姿舞園 協辦單位:意動空間|安東尼音樂室|澳門音樂藝術空間|澳門跨領域藝術協會 | 點象藝術協會 資助單位:文化局 |
Transdisciplinary Site-Adaptive Creation and Exhibition 2021 is the 80th anniversary of the death of the acclaimed Indian poet Rabindranath Tagore. A successful author in the history of world literature, Tagore created a multitude of works throughout his life and won the Nobel Prize in Literature in 1913. In this performance, we are going to relive the beautiful worlds in Tagore’s poetry collections The Crescent Moon and Stray Birds. The former sees the world through the eyes of a child in which childlike thoughts and words can be seen everywhere in the collection. It delicately portrays a child’s innocent, adorable and imaginative character and mind, and reflects the pure joy in the simple things in life. Stray Birds is a collection of more than 300 beautiful short poems. It contains ideas on humans and their environments, the images of land and mountains, day and night, streams and oceans, the distillations of freedom and betrayal, as if nature and humanity have come together and a magnitude of thoughts is provoked through these simple but mesmerising poems. For this performance, Ieng Chi Dance Association works with poet Jessie Ng, musician Anthony Cheong and local dancers to create two showcases of poetry, music and dance. Each of these sessions will take place at a different public space in Macao chosen for its historical presence and connections with its communities, creating a unique event of structural improvisation inspired by poetries and live music. ~。~。~。~ Let’s follow the call of the poems Discover the landscape of our hearts Sail along the paper boats of Tagore And the sounds of the stray birds In between the corners of the city The trees, the flowing water The calçada we step on, the giggles we hear We open to our encounter with The movement of music and dance The images and sketches of the present and The sounds of poetry ~。~。~。~ 〔Performance Details〕 2021.12.05 (Sun) 4:30pm:Largo do Lilau 2021.12.12 (Sun) 4:30pm:Luís de Camões Garden Audience Admission:Free upon registration(First come, first served) Registration: https://docs.google.com/forms/d/1iWSKWEdTkJl9gU4sIP5sPFoXaDMMQC8CZDtrmJIfGww/edit?usp=drive_web *Successful registered audiences will receive an email to confirm the meeting point and details. *Some poems will be conducted in Cantonese 〔Open Exhibition〕 2022.01.01 to 2022.01.07 Venue:Anim’Arte NAM VAN - M Dimensions S2 Time:1:00pm-9:00pm 〔Team〕 Artistic Direction: Lillian Ieng Chi Kuok Choreographer: Chloe Lao Producer: Lio Ka Kei @ Point View Art Association Creative Performers: Annette Ng, Silvana Lee, Timothy Lei, NaNa Lam, Elva Chan, Iris Chan, Karen Hoi, Eva Cheong, Josephine Pang Live Music: Anthony Cheong Poet: Jessie Ng Video Artist: Os Wei Technical Personnel: Calvin Lam, Nero Lei Graphic Design:Shadow Fong@View Design Production Consultant: Erik Kuong Organised by: Ieng Chi Dance Association Collaborated with: Concept Pulse Studio, Anthony Studio, Macau Music Art Space|Macau Interdisciplinary Arts Association | Point View Art Association Sponsored by: ICM |