英姿舞園 - 舞蹈團團員評定委員會 團員制度 為了讓英姿舞園舞蹈團的團員制度更完善,會員大會通過本通告並適用於招收本會團員之申請、推薦、評級、申報、續期及注意事項等作為指引。 一、填寫申請前的注意事項 1. 填寫並遽交團員申請表格即代表認同本會之理念及各發展項目; 2. 填交申請表後,須留意出現成功提交畫面,本會收到後會回覆電郵確認收到,方為有效,如有疑問,應致電本會行政人員或電郵至[email protected] 查詢表格是否已成功提交; 3. 成功申請,並經本會確認為團員後,將會獲確認電郵並獲分發團員編號(按申請時間順序分配號碼),獲配團員編號後方成為本團會員,請必須記著自己的團員編號,以方便日後查詢及行駛 閣下之權利及義務,並請留意相關續期條款及守則; 4. 本團保留推薦及撤回團員身份之最終決定權及解釋權。 二、團員身份 經團員評訂委員會確認,截至 2020 年 6 月 1 日之團員名單及狀態如下: 1. 榮譽團員: 19人; 2. 資深團員: 7人; 3. 團員: 25人; 4. 已被除名的團員: 0 人。 三、申請成為團身: 1. 榮譽團員:截至 20 週年(2018)年前服務本會逾 10 年,並多年支持本會教學、演出、活動、製作等的英姿之友,以及獲團員評訂委員會推薦之名單; 2. 資深團員:
四. 團員福利 成為英姿舞園團員將享有以下團員福利:
Ieng Chi Dance Association - Troupe Member Committee Regulations for Troupe Members The following regulates the application and invitation to become ICDA troupe members, and the categorization and management of existing ICDA troupe. A. Remarks on the Application Process 1. Submitting an application to become an ICDA troupe members automatically means the applicant agrees to the vision and directions of ICDA. 2. Upon submitting the online application, please make sure you have received a confirmation message to signal your successful submission. If you have not received the message or feel confused, please submit your application to [email protected]. 3. Once your application is approved, you will be given a member code. Please make sure your code can always be retrieved so that you can access your member rights and obligations with it. 4. ICDA reserves the rights for final decision and interpretation on matters regarding the recommendation and withdrawal of its troupe members. B. Categories of Troupe Members As of 2020.06.01, the composition of ICDA Troupe Members is as follows: 1. Honorary members: 19 2. Senior members: 7 3. Members: 25 4. Withdrawn members: 0 C. How to become an ICDA Troupe Member 1. Honorary members: have been serving in or supporting ICDA continuously since or before 2008 in its teaching, performances, productions etc, or invited by the Member Committee. 2. Senior members:
D. Rights of Troupe Members 1. Rights of ICDA Troupe Members: