【舞聲舞息】 原創作品孵化計劃V
階段呈現演出|創作人接觸 : 工作坊 & 交流 #多元創作_跨界探索 「舞聲舞息 Dansations」作為一個作品孵化平臺,今年來到第五屆。本屆三組主創人,各有不同的好奇和生活經驗,折射出不同的想像和反思,來~看看舞者們,如何打破沉默,嘗試未知,#一起跳出Comfort Zone! #走出劇場_延伸想像 除了階段呈現演出(WIP),創作人也分別主持工作坊及演後談等Meet the Artist的環節,讓觀眾可以選擇適合自己的渠道互動交流!我們相信,没有所謂的"看懂或看不懂",大家都可以透過自身的體驗、真實的交流,與創作人及作品一起成長!來~#報Meet_the_Artist啦喂~ ~~~~~~~~~~~ 【階段呈現演出】日期|時間|地點 2024.06.15(六) :20:00 2024.06.16(日) :15:00 & 20:00 地點:澳門文化中心 黑盒II 【票務】 【線上售票Link】https://form.jotform.com/iengchidance/-D5 票價:MOP 180 優惠: ~超早鳥:5月20日前購票可享6折優惠 ~早鳥:5月21-31日購票可享7折優惠 ~結伴套票:6月1日起購買4張或以上可享75折 ~澳門全日制學生,傷殘人士及 60 歲或以上長者可享8折優惠(入場時需出示有效證明文件) *如有任何疑問,歡迎致電62383040 (蘇小姐) 或 英姿舞園官方Facebook (@ICDAMacao) 查詢。 〖3組WIP主創人及作品簡介〗 《無盡的玩笑》 創作人:金曉霖、汪圓清 舞者: 金曉霖 聲音設計/AIGC設計:汪圓清 單位:AWPlanet 一個玩子(澳門X北京) 空間支持:北京安馨康養 「沉迷於相信片面事實的當下,虛構的想像與無盡的娛樂成為存在於這光怪離奇社會的必備,什麼是真實?什麼是虛假?生活在這怪誕迷離的慾望世紀中,沉迷於任何一種縱慾中是活著的證明,所以何嘗不用放縱的慾望渴求來挑釁這個不需要「真實」存在的社會,以一個不起眼的玩笑來反抗呢?」 《Bpm》 創作人/舞者:許佳琳 「滴、答、滴、答、滴、滴、答、答….. 每一天的心跳、每一首的音樂,都是一個推動你的原因。是活著的證明,是情感的輸入,是純粹的移動。 Largo. Adagio. Andante. Moderato. Allegro. Vivace. 今日的你需要多少BPM才能連接內心?」 《One step at a time》 創作人 / 舞者:劉嘉虹 聲音設計:福島章嗣 Akitsugu Fukushima 「不知道從何時開始,我好像失去了可以好好走路的方式,在努力尋找身體連結的日子裡,我發現…… 我們只是一隻往前行進的雙足動物,途經許多短暫停留的通道,尋找最原始的記憶,一股純粹的力量,像是一聲吶喊。」 ~~~~~~~~~~~ 【創作人接觸 Meet the Artist Workshops】 除了以上三位主創人會進行meet the artist workshops,還有以下演前彩蛋場呢! #特邀分享:階段呈現其實是在看甚麼? 每一個作品都有自己獨立的生命線,每個地方的階段創作呈現方式都大有不同!我們邀來上屆的創作人Tracy黃翠絲,與主持人Chloe一起來個大剖白~Tracy將透過演前工作坊分享其個人實踐和觀察,在本地、鄰近地區甚至外國,對WIP的作品歷練又有甚麼趣事及體會呢?創作人又會如何定義作品的WIP timeline?不同的文化語境又如何與之息息相關呢~? 工作坊分兩部份,先有身體練習,大家熱熱身,下半場再動動口,一起交流討論,來~ #一起move_and_chat吧~
工作坊詳情及登記鏈接:https://form.jotform.com/iengchidance/-D5workshops *免費參加,請先登記留位* ~~~~~~~~~~~ 【團隊】 製作人:劉楚華 聯合監製:蘇咏芬 |吳玉婷 燈光設計及技術總監:林俊熠@觸動創意 執行舞臺監督:戴倩明 助理舞臺監督:李嘉寶 平面設計:馮肖影@覺度廣告設計 主辦單位:英姿舞園 支持單位:意動空間|點象藝術協會 資助單位:澳門特別行政區政府文化發展基金 鳴謝:節目獲得文化局澳門文化中心「場租優惠計劃」豁免部份場租 重要【入場需知】 1.根據公開映、演甄審委員會的指引,本節目為D組──未滿十八歲禁止觀看。敬請留意。如有相關票務問題,或需退改門票, 可致電62383040與蘇小姐聯繫。 2.由於部份作品將以流動方式觀看,建議觀眾穿著輕便服飾鞋履,如有大件個人物品,也建議於入場前先寄存; 3. 觀眾可於演出開場前約10分鐘開始進入表演場地,場內不設劃位; 4. 遲到或中途離場的觀眾,須按照主辦機構或場地管理人員指示的方式及時間入場; 5. 演出不設中場休息; 6. 場內嚴禁吸煙、飲食,攝影、錄音及錄影; 7. 如有任何爭議,主辦單位保留最終決定及解釋權。 無盡的玩笑 Infinite Jest
One step at a time
Dansations V -
an incubation platform for original dance works #Work-in-progress presentation Coming into its fifth edition, Dansations as an incubation platform continues to weave the very fabric of interaction among artists, performances, audience and discussion spaces. This year, we look forward to your participation in both our performance programs and meet-the-artist workshops. Three work-in-progress creations will be presented through body research, AI exploration, and experimental sound research etc. These works are encouraged to go beyond the boundaries and respond to each teams’ personal critical states in various real life conditions. Come and see how the dancers venture into the unknown, and step out of their comfort zones! #Meet the Artist Workshop We are also hosting a series of post-performance discussion sessions and workshops to extend our interactions with you beyond the theatre. Join us in this encounter of collaboration across creative minds and disciplines! 〖Work-in-progress presentations〗 15th Jun 20:00 16th Jun 15:00, 20:00 Venue:Macao Cultural Centre Box II Ticket Price: MOP180 Online purchase at >>> https://form.jotform.com/iengchidance/-D5 Early bird discount: 40% off(on or before 2024/05/20) Late bird discount: 30% off (2024/05/21-31) Group ticket discount: 25% off (any purchase of 4 or more tickets on 2024/06/01) Others: 20% off for local full-time students, the disabled and senior citizens over 60 year old (requires presentation of ID upon entry) 〖3 Original Creations〗 《Infinite Jest》 Ceators : Alexis Kam, Dynamic Wang Performer : Alexis Kam Sound and AIGC Design : Dynamic Wang Organizer : AWPlanet (Macau X Beijing) Venue Support:Beijing Anxin Pension "Living in a society who worships superficial phenomena rather than facts, imaginations and endless entertainment becomes compulsory in this surreal world.What defines reality? What constitutes falsehood? In the labyrinthine of lust and desires, does succumbing to any form of indulgence will serve as proof of our own existence? or merely an escape from realities? Should we attempt to challenge this society which doesn't require 'reality' by indulging in our unrestrained desires as an insignificant joke to demonstrate our rebellion?" 《Bpm》 Choreographer/Performer:Karen Hoi "Tick, tick, tick, tick...Every heartbeat and every song is a reason to drive you. It’s a proof of being alive, an input of emotions, a desire for heartful movement. Largo, Adagio, Andante, Moderato, Allegro, Vivace. How many BPM (Beats Per Minutes) do you need today to connect with your inner self?" 《One step at a time》 Choreographer / Performer: Sonia Lao Sound Designer: Akitsugu Fukushima “ I seem to have lost the ability to walk properly, and I don't know when it began. In the days of searching for connection with my body, I have come to realize that… We are merely bipedal creatures moving forward, passing through numerous fleeting passages, seeking the most primal memories — a surge of unadulterated power, a resounding shout.” 〖Meet-the-Artist Sharing Workshops〗
〖Creative and Production Team〗 Producers: Chloe Lao Co-producers: Sophie Sou | Yuki Ng Lighting Designer and Technical Director: Calvin Iap @Inspiration4C Deputy Stage Manager: Vienna Tai Assistant Stage Manager: Lee Ka Pou Graphic Designer: Shadow Fong @ VIEWDESIGN Organizer: Ieng Chi Dance Association Supported by: Point View Art Association, Concept Pulse Studio Sponsor: Governo da Região Administrativa Especial de Macau Fundo de Desenvolvimento da Cultura Acknowledgements: This programme is under the Rental Concessionary Rate of Macao Cultural Centre of Cultural Affairs Bureau 【Important Notice for audience】 *The performances are not allowed for individuals aged under 18* * Grupo D - Interditos a menores de 18 anos * 1.One person per ticket regardless of age; 2. The organizer strongly suggests the audience to arrive at the performance venue 10 minutes before the performances; 3. The organizer reserves the right to determine at what time and in what manner latecomers are admitted; 4. There will be no intermission during the performance; 5. Audience will be invited to Audience are suggested to bring minimal personal belongings; 5. Smoking, eating, photography, audio recording, and video recording are strictly prohibited inside the venue; 6. In case of any disputes, the organizer reserves the right of interpretation and final decision of any disputes on these terms. |