編舞|製作人|創作總監 當代舞及中國舞創作舞者及編舞,瑜伽及普拉提(初級)導師。香港中文大學文化管理碩士,澳門大學文學士,澳門演藝學院舞蹈學校前身精英班學生。曾任多間中小學舞蹈團教師。現為英姿舞園創意總監及編舞,意動空間會長,澳門大學舞蹈隊導師,2013/14及16/17年間任文化局「文化講堂」計劃導師。多年從事澳門舞蹈教育、文化藝術節目製作及文化遺產推廣等工作,致力推動澳門文化及表演藝術之發展。 編創作品:舞蹈劇場《幻突樂園》、《人造玫瑰》、《旅人》、《MOP》(波蘭X澳門)、短篇小品《Streams》、《Terminal》、《歸·鷺》、《Over The Rainbow》、《界限》、《N-EX-T》、《揚帆逐夢》等。以及舞蹈錄像《Flash Back at the Lilau》、《Wander-Land》等。 參演作品:2017年澳門藝術節《梅田宏明雙舞作》、肢體劇場《遷移者之歌》、2014年澳門藝術節《情書》及《詠舞南音》(首演),黑盒劇場《夕陽事兒》、《葉子片片》藝術駐校及社區計劃,澳門拉丁城區幻彩大巡遊之閉幕演出、黑盒劇場《夕陽事兒》、《葉子片片》藝術駐校及社區計劃、《遠去的孩子》等。 製作及策劃方面:《遺城詩路》系列製作人:「聽舊城說」(2012)、「舊憶新願」(2013)、「飲水詩緣」(2015)、「遊園鏡夢」(2017);《ROLLOUT舞蹈影像展》策展人;《舞聲舞息Dansations》實驗作品孵化計劃製作人; 隨團協辦第三十五至三十八屆校際舞蹈比賽;《In/Between》舞蹈攝影展策展人,舞蹈劇場《Time Keeper》、敦煌舞蹈詩劇《沙途》、多媒體兒童舞蹈劇場《美人魚的泡沫》等節目監製。 國際交流:自2017年至今應邀展開一項「韓國、日本、菲律賓、馬來西亞及澳門」五地年度交流合作,展開連串海島城市間的藝術文化交流及對話,應邀互訪及演出。自2016年起開展《Step+》澳門X國際舞蹈節平臺交流計劃,與柏林B12舞蹈節對接合作。2009年起,隨水墨意象形體劇場《玩風景》系列巡演至北京、廣洲、韓國、愛丁堡、葡萄牙、彿得角及波蘭等地演出。2012年6月,與波蘭Silesian Dance Theatre交流合作,並擔任其中一名編舞角色,作品《MOP》先後於波蘭的「第19屆年度國際當代舞蹈論壇及表演藝術節」及「第二十五屆澳門藝術節」上演。2008年,獲選參與韓國與著名肢體劇團Sadari Movement之肢體劇場《The maids》之製作,該劇先後於韓國春川啞劇節及澳門文化中心黑盒劇場演出。2016及18年應邀參與香港西九文化區管理局「製作人網絡會議及論壇」。 |
Chloe Lao
Choreographer|Producer| Creative Director Chloe is a choreographer and independent producer of dance performances in various genres,also a yoga tutor. She’s currently the Director of Concept Pulse Studio and Creative Director of Ieng Chi Dance Association, curating Rollout Dance Film Festival, In/Between Dance Photography Exhibition, Dansations- an Experimental Dance Theatre Project, and Heritage Stroll with Poetries Series (a site-responsive art tour since 2012). Actively participating art projects varies from dance and community art programs, and currently a dance instructor at University of Macau Dance Troupe. She graduated from The Chinese University of Hong Kong, major in Master of Arts in Cultural Management, and received her bachelor degree from the University of Macau. Chloe was selected in the Elite Class during her study in the dance courses of the Macao Conservatory-School of Dance. She has presented a dance theatre piece ‘MOP’ in Macao Arts Festival 2014, and the 19th International Contemporary Dance Conference & Performance Festival in Bytom (Poland). She has choreographed dance theatre “Wander Girls on Tour”, “Artificial Roses”, “N-EX-T”, “ PONTE 16”, and directed dance video “Wander-Land”, “Flash Back at the Lilau”. She has presented her full-length work during Macau Arts Festival namely “Wonder.Land” in 2018, and City Fringe Festival by presenting her Dance Theatre work “Artificial Roses”. During Arts Festival 2017, being performed in ‘Songs of Migrant’, and ‘Double-Bill by the famous Japanese Choreographer Hiroaki Umeda”. Since 2007, She has been invited for a yearly international collaborated project with Mokpo (Korea), Vegan (Philippine), Okinawa, Macau, Pankor (Malaysia). She has curated the international dance festival platform connect with B12 (Berlin) since 2016 and continue the visit and exchange performance. During 2009-present, joining an Ink – Water – Movement – Theatre ‘Playing Landscape’ as a dancer, touring at various cities in Asia (Beijing, Shangai, Hong Kong, Seoul) , Europe (Edinburgh Fringe 2014 Porto, Guimaraes, Maribor), and Cape Verde(Praia, Mindelo). 2008, was selected by the Sadari Movement (Korea) to participate in a black box physical theatre ‘The Maids’, which was premiered in the Chuncheon International Mime Festival Korea, and perform in Macao Cultural Centre. |