舞聲舞息 III 28/03-04/04/2021 舊法院大樓黑盒劇場2樓, 意動空間, 雅文湖畔M軸 階段呈現|工作坊|展覧|延伸即興Jam|演後圍談 「舞聲舞息 Dansations」作為一個作品孵化平臺,今年來到第三屆,正期待與各位觀眾一起參與4月初的作品呈演,數個短篇作品分別對舞蹈肢體、音樂、多媒體影像及空中藝術等多元媒介進行試驗和實踐,跨越想像的界限,能量滿滿,一起迸發當代舞蹈的創意和火花! 走出劇場,延伸想像!「舞聲舞息 Dansations」更設多個不同面向的參與方式,讓公眾可以選擇適合自己的渠道與創作人交流。由2020年11月至2021年4月期間,除了作品呈現演出,創作人也分別主持工作坊、攝影展、即興Jam、演後談等活動,在這個時期,讓我們打破慣性,擁抱舞蹈的另一種日常,嘗試未知,延續種種可能! 階段呈現演出 4月3日 20:00 (註:4月3日15:00為大專生藝術隊專場) 4月4日 15:00, 20:00 共3場公開場次 地點:南灣舊法院大樓二樓黑盒劇場 〖4隊主創人及作品〗(按姓氏筆劃排序) 。編舞/舞者:許佳琳、李欣彤《Morphing》 。編舞/舞者:黃翠絲《一個人的狂歡》 參演:古雯欣等 。概念、創作人、表演者: 劉嘉虹|創作人、多媒體設計: Raymond Nogueira 《在/不在》 。編舞/舞者:鄧善芝 《in.sight》 # 購票及詳情 網上購票>>> https://1ticks.com/event/DansationsIII ~憑電子門票入場 # 購票優惠 早購優惠:2021年3月 7 日至 3 月 14日可享65折優惠 團體票:4 張或以上可享 7 折優惠 其它:澳門全日制學生,傷殘人士及 60 歲或以上長者可享 5 折優惠(入場時需出示有效證明文件) 共享:憑1 Ticks購票碼可以7折參與延伸工作坊 *** 延伸活動 *** 「空中舞韻」體驗工作坊 3月28日 19:00-22:00 地點:意動空間 報名參加>>> https://1ticks.com/event/DansationsxAerielArts?lang=zh_TW 「自。在。」攝影展覧 3月28-4月4日 13:00-21:00 地點:雅文湖畔M軸空間 Facebook Event >>> 「自。在。」延伸即興Jam 4月3日 13:00 地點:雅文湖畔公共空間 演後圍談 4月4日 22:30 地點:雅文湖畔M軸空間 創作及製作團隊 聯合監製:劉楚華|廖家琪 燈光設計及技術總監:林俊熠@觸動創意 舞臺監督:馮鎮業@米製作 執行舞臺監督:劉芷蕙@米製作 助理舞臺監督:廖嘉豪 平面設計:馮肖影@海納創作 主辦單位:英姿舞園 支持單位:M軸空間|點像藝術協會|意動空間 資助單位:澳門基金會市民專場演出|文化局 查詢電話:(853) 28329229,(853) 62733587 電郵:[email protected] |
Macao Foundation - Performance for Citizens Dansations III 28/03-04/04/2021, Old Court Building, 2nd Floor, Concept Pulse Studio, M Dimensions, Anim'Arte NAM VAN Work-in-progress Presentations|Workshop|Exhibition|Improv Jam Session | Post-Performance Discussion Coming into its third edition, Dansations as an incubation platform continues to weave the very fabric of interaction among artists, performances, audience and discussion spaces. This year, we look forward to your participation in both our performance programs and extension activities. Four work-in-progress performances will be presented by local dancers though bodies research, multimedia projections, music creations, and aerial arts etc. These works are encouraged to go beyond the boundaries and unleash their unique creativities and characters. We are also hosting a series of activities to extend our interactions with you beyond the theatre. They include workshops, an improv jam session and a post-performance discussion. Join us in this encounter of collaboration across creative minds and disciplines! Work-in-Progress Presentation 3 Apr 20:00 4 Apr 15:00, 20:00 Venue:Macau Old Court Building Black Box Theatre 〖Artists of 4 Work-in-progress presentations〗 。Choreographers/Dancers:Karen Hoi、Candice Lei 《Morphing》 。Choreographers/Dancers:Tracy Wong Participant:Ku Man Ian, etc 《一個人的狂歡》 。Choreographer/Dancer: Sonia Lao Multimedia Designer:Raymond Nogueira 《在/不在》 。Choreographer/Dancer: Claudia Tang 《in.sight》 # Tickets Online purchase at >>> https://1ticks.com/event/DansationsIII # Discounts Early bird discount: 35% off from 7-14 Mar 2021 Group ticket discount: 30% off any purchase of 4 or more tickets Others: 50% off for local full-time students, the disabled and senior citizens over 60 year old (requires presentation of ID upon entry) Double offers: Show your 1 Ticks purchase code to get a 30% discount at a Dansations workshop. *** Extended Event *** Aeriel Arts Introductory Workshop 29 Mar 19:00-22:00 Venue:Concept Pulse Studio 「Nature.Being」Photo Exhibition 27 Mar – 4 Apr 13:00-21:00 Venue: M Dimensions, Anim'Arte NAM VAN Facebook Event >>> 「Nature.Being」Improv Jam Session 3 Apr 13:00 Venue: M Dimensions, Anim'Arte NAM VAN Post-Performance Discussion 4 Apr 22:30 Venue: M Dimensions, Anim'Arte NAM VAN Creative and Production Team Co-Producers: Chloe Lao | Lio Ka Kei Lighting Designer and Technical Director: Calvin Lam @INSPIRATION 4C Stage Manager: Fong Chan Ip @ MIIS Productions Deputy Stage Manager: Mirabella Lao @ MIIS Productions Assistant Stage Manager: Nero Lio Graphic Designer: Shadow Fong @ VIEWDESIGN Organized by|Ieng Chi Dance Association Supported by | M Dimensions, Point View Art Association, Concept Pulse Studio Sponsored by |Macau Foundation, Cultural Affairs Bureau Inquiry: (853) 28329229/ (853) 62733587 Email:[email protected] |