創辦人|團長|藝術總監 現為英姿舞園團長及藝術總監、中國舞蹈家協會會員、廣東省舞蹈家協會副會長、澳門文化界聯合總會副會長、澳門舞蹈總會榮譽會長、中國兒童歌舞學會會員。主力推動從事多年的兒童及青少年舞蹈教育工作,並為英姿舞園所有製作之藝術總監,包括多個觀眾約600-1400觀眾之兒童舞劇及多個綜合演出。曾跟隨俄羅斯老師學習芭蕾舞教學法,也跟隨北京老師學習中國民間舞及中國舞等級考試教師證書;其後,到美國進修爵士舞。已考獲北京芭蕾舞分級考試教師證書一至五級,並在香港考取澳洲教師協會爵士舞銀星級證書、朝鮮舞導師培訓班第一、二級證書、漢唐古典舞第一、二級證書,在澳門演藝學院完成舞蹈編導課程高級證書。郭氏為首位在北京考取北京舞蹈學院中國舞等級考試教師資格證書一至十三級、高級教師證書一至五級的澳門代表、同時考獲民族民間舞高級教師一至六級。對本澳推動分級考試不遺餘力,曾任2011年《中國舞等級考試結業禮暨課程精英聯合演示》監製,協力將考級內容展示於超過1000名觀眾眼前。 郭氏曾到北京、日本、葡國 、菲律賓及香港等地演出。 1997 年為首位澳門代表參加國內的大型藝術比賽「第五屇青少年桃李杯舞蹈比賽」,並取得了「評委會特別獎」及「表演獎」,同年到深圳電視台參與深圳所舉辦的慶香港回歸節目。 1999年代表澳門到北京參加首都慶澳門回歸大型文藝晚會。 2000年參加「第六屇青少年桃李杯舞蹈比賽群舞」取得了「優秀表演獎」。為多部話劇及音樂劇擔任編舞如《暴風雨》、《酒神》等。 1998至2012年任教澳門演藝學院舞蹈學校普及班舞蹈教師,以及任澳門中、小學舞蹈顧問。於2017及2016年舉辦「英姿舞園X澳大舞蹈隊之舞蹈交流計劃」等。2016-2019年間擔澳門治安警察局中國舞蹈組導師,進一步向社會各階層推動舞蹈教育。 自2008年至2014年擔任校際舞蹈比賽評委, 2015年起成為該比賽之製作經理,全力支持本澳舞蹈藝術工作。2016年,其編創之舞蹈《海納百川》獲駐澳中聯辦邀請代表澳門參與《第五屆全國民族文藝晚會》閉幕式演出,致力連結中澳兩地文化交流。此外,近年績極參與舞蹈交流活動,包括於2017年到羅馬尼亞錫比烏表演藝術市場議會發表、2016-2018年於韓國首爾表演藝術市場參與展銷、2017年到天津參與第九屆全國少兒舞蹈創作高級研修班、2016年參與第八屆海峽兩岸暨港澳地區藝術論壇等等。 |
Lilian Ieng Chi Kuok
Founder|President|Artistic Director Lilian is the founder and artistic director of Ieng Chi Dance Association. She is also a member of the China Dancers' Association, Vice President of the Guangdong Provincial Dancers' Association, Vice President of the Federation of Associations of Cultural Sectors of Macau, Honorary President of Macao Dance General Association, and a member of the China Society of Children's song and dance. Lilian has been dedicated to dance education in Macao. She has practiced ballet pedagogy along with the Russian tradition, studied jazz dance teaching in the United States and obtained teaching qualifications of Chinese dance and Chinese ethnic dance in Beijing. She is now a qualified teacher of the Beijing Dance Academy's Ballet Graded Examination Syllabus (Grade 1-5), the Chinese-Korean Dance (Grade 1-2), and the Classical Chinese Dance Han Tang (Grade 1-2). She has also obtained ATOD's silver star Jazz dance teaching certificate and the Macao Conservatory's advanced choreography certificate. She is the first instructor in Macao to have obtained the teaching qualifications of all Chinese Dance Graded Examination Syllabus in Beijing. She is now certified as a senior instructor of Grade 1 to Grade 5 of the Syllabus, as well as a senior instructor of Grade 1 to Grade 6 of the Chinese Ethnic Dance graded examination syllabus. She was a dance teacher in the Macao Conservatory from 1998 to 2012 and has been dance consultants in primary and secondary schools in Macao. In 2016 to 2017, she has produced the "ICDA x University of Macao Dance Troupe" Performance exchange program. She was also the dance teacher of the Chinese dance team of the Public Security Police Force of Macau from 2016-2019. Lilian has performed as a Macao representative in Beijing, Japan, Portugal, the Philippines and Hong Kong. In 1997, she participated in the 5th national "Tao Li Dance Competition" as the first Macao representative in history, and had received the "Special Jury Award" and the "Performance Award". In 1999, she represented Macao again to perform in the celebration of the Macao Handover in Beijing. In 2000, she participated in the 6th "Tao Li Dance Competition" and the Macao team was given the "Excellent Performance Award". She has been a choreographer for Macao theatre productions such as "The Tempest" and “Dionysus". In 2016, Her work "Embrace of Ocean" was performed in the closing ceremony of the 5th Minorities Art Festival of China in Beijing. From 2008 to 2014, Lilian was a jury member of the annual Macao Inter-School Dance Competition. Since 2015, she has become the production manager of the Competition. She attended as part of the Macao delegation in the Sibiu Performing Arts Market in 2017, the Performing Arts Market Seoul from 2016-2018, the National dance choreography for dance training in Tianjing in 2017, the cross-strait arts submit in 2016. |