《沙途》敦煌舞蹈詩劇 2015. 6. 21(日),晚上8時 澳門幣150/100/80|澳門文化中心綜合劇院 舞樂敦煌、天垂麗象、西千佛洞、仕女彩塑…跳格的錄像為何總讓她聯想起這些千里之外的絢麗萬像?渺渺沙途,凝眸即消逝,或許他與她,早就該相見。 作品揉合傳統與當代中國舞蹈,以全新編創之劇本、舞蹈、音樂,結合光影意像,帶領觀眾進入如詩如歌的故事,尋覓隔世之緣,揭開敦煌飛天壁畫的神秘面紗,投入舞蹈世界的雅趣和美。 創作團隊 藝術總監: 郭英姿 聯合監製: 劉楚華 黃鎬藍 編劇、戲劇指導: 譚智泉 聯合編舞: 陳慧詩 溫詩婷 吳慧珊 容嘉穎 伍淑華 陳紫茵 特邀編舞/舞者: L.K. 燈光設計: 展峰製作 佈景設計: 聶雯婷 音樂創作 :陳蔚風 多媒體藝術家 :區富豪 李綺琪 胡振邦 劉麗婷 平面設計: 何文裕@同點設計 舞台監督: 林俊熠@觸動創意 執行舞台監督: 劉芷蕙@米製作 化妝設計: 何嘉寶 特別鳴謝
主辦單位: 英姿舞園 資助單位: 澳門文化局|基金會|民政總署|澳門文化中心資助部份場租 支持單位: 維納斯音響燈光工程有限公司|觸動創意-文化及創意產業服務有限公司 大眾報報導 |
"Memory Mirage" Dunhuang Dance Poem 2015. 6. 21(Sun),8pm MOP 150/100/80|Grand Auditorium, Macao Cultural Centre It opens the door to a journey to the past, lost but looming. Perhaps the time has arrived for the painter to meet the painted again. A fusion of traditional and contemporary Chinese dances recreated with multimedia that portrayed scenes of the invaluable art piece, The Soaring Dunhuang, this production encompasses a creative series of drama, dance, music as well as fantastic imageries of light and shadow. It aims to lead the spectator into the poetic world of the story of two life-parted, star-crossed lovers to unveil the mystery of the mesmerizing art piece, and what’s more, to present the valuable and beautiful scenes of Chinese dance to everybody. Production Team Artistic Director: Lilian, Kuok Ieng Chi Co-Producers: Chloe Lao |Mary Wong Dramaturg and Acting Coach: Johnny Tam Choreographers: Chan Wai Si |Cindy Wan |Rosita Ng| Barbara Iong|Annette Ng|Iris Chan Guest Choreographer: L.K. Lighting Design: Chin Fong Production Composer: Kaze Patricio Chan Multi-media Designer: Hugo Ao | GiGi Lei | Eric Wu | Nico Liu Graphic Designer: Fish@Todot Design Set Design: Nip Man Teng Stage Manager: Calvin Lam@ Inspiration 4C Deputy Stage Manager: Lao Chi Wai @MIIS Production Ltd. Make-up Design: Rebecca Ho Special acknowledgement to
Organized by: Ieng Chi Dance Association Sponsored by: Cultural Affairs Bureau|Macao Foundation | Civic and Municipal Affairs Bureau|Macao Cultural Centre (RR Scheme) Supported by: Venus Audio and Lighting Engineering Company Ltd.| Inspiration 4C - Cultural and Creative Industries Services Company, Limited |