2016. 09. 14 北京京西賓館禮堂 第五屆「全國少數民族文藝會演頒獎儀式暨閉幕式」文藝晚會於九月十四日晚在北京京西賓館禮堂完美落幕。中共中央政治局常委、全國政協主席俞正聲以及劉延東、孫春蘭、劉奇葆、蔡赴朝等出席晚會觀看演出,晚會亦由中央電視台於9月15日播放。是次晚會主題為「花好月圓」,而「全國少數民族文藝會演」是國家法定的全國少數民族大型文化活動之一,由國家民委、文化部、國家新聞出版廣電總局、北京市人民政府主辦,為五年一屆的全國盛事。 「第五屆全國少數民族文藝會演」於8月16日至9月14日在北京舉行,展示由全國31個省、自治區、直轄市和新疆生產建設兵團、中央軍委政治工作部以及中央人民政府駐香港聯絡辦和中央人民政府駐澳門聯絡辦等35個代表團帶來的43台劇目。早前,會演開幕式文藝晚會已於8月18日晚在北京人民大會堂隆重舉行。國家領導人習近平、國務院總理李克強以及其他與3000多名群眾一起觀看晚會。 英姿舞園應駐澳中聯辦推薦邀請及資助,獲澳門文化局資助,成為「第五屆全國少數民族文藝會演」的澳門文藝代表團體,於會演的閉幕式晚會中演出舞園作品《海納百川》。澳門中聯辦文化教育部副部長趙川東、處長級助理邵彬應邀出席晚會,並親身到場鼓勵英姿舞園團隊。英姿舞園的十六人團隊, 由團長郭英姿帶領,透過原創編舞及本澳音樂藝術家陳蔚風創作的音樂,運用長袖及長飄扇的特色,融合由廖國棟設計的特色服裝,展現澳門作為歷史上連接東西方人文色彩的重要海港文化象徵。舞蹈《海納百川》突顯澳門作為一個具濃厚海岸歷史的美麗城市,展示多元文化的波瀾壯闊,在澳川流不息,正如會演中不同民族都在展現多樣色彩,擴展藝術文化視野,充分表達晚會「花好月圓」的團圓主題。 英姿舞園團隊認為是次演出別具意義,並感到十分榮幸能代表澳門於晚會中演出,向全國觀眾介紹澳門的原創舞蹈、音樂及人文風情。團隊一致認為能與全國所有民族同台演出,感受熱烈氣氛,相互了解對方文化,是十分難得的機會並留下了很好的回憶。 |
Perform in the closing ceremony of the Fifth Minorities Arts Festival of China
2016. 09. 14 The Great Hall of the People, Beijing Ieng Chi Dance Association was invited and supported by the Liaison Office of the Central People’s Government in the Macao Special Administrative Region to represent Macao to perform in the closing ceremony of the Fifth Minorities Arts Festival of China in Beijing. The Fifth Minorities Art Festival is sponsored by the State Ethnic Affairs Commission, the Ministry of Culture, the State Administration of Press, Publication, Radio, Film and Television, and the Beijing municipal government. From Aug 16 to Sept 14, more than 7,000 ethnic minority artists performed a total of 43 shows in Beijing. The closing ceremony “Elixir of Love" has a theme related to moon and reunion. Programs related to the them were showcased, including songs familiar to the Chinese audience. Dances, acrobatics and other forms of ethnic art were also part of the show. Ieng Chi Dance Association performed the original dance piece “Embrace of Ocean" in the ceremony to symbolise the multicultural identity of Macao as a port city with an abundance of traditions from the East and the West throughout history. The dance, choreographed by Lilian Kuok, with music composed by Patrick Chan and costumes designed by Gordon Liao was very welcomed by the audience and remarked a beautiful memories for the team of 18 Ieng Chi members. |