澳門難金會 - 市民專場 《眾樂敦煌-舞躍畫卷》戶外光影舞蹈劇場 2014.10.18 20:00/21:00 康公廟前地 - 戶外演出 「是誰,舞躍畫卷,在月下弄影? 」 火,催毀一切,郤又是所有生命的希望。 一次無名的火災,幻滅了畫家一生的努力,然而,畫中被禁固的仙子,郤趁此掙脫了畫卷的框框,無拘無束地隨雲輕舞,與風為伴,終於落戶凡塵,在石窑中變成千姿百態的壁畫仕女,與大地緊緊相依。 在一次石窑之旅中,畫家重遇他筆下的仙子,漫妙靈動,長袖善舞,他終於完全釋懷了,心中有畫,眾樂分享,才是直正的美,畫中之靈動,早已舞躍畫卷之上。 奇幻光影舞蹈劇場將帶您經歷一次超脫現實的想像在夜幕下邀請您走入畫家的作品中,重遇經典飛天仕女進入如詩如歌的神話故事,揭開敦煌飛天壁畫的神秘面紗。 作品揉合傳統與當代元素的中國舞蹈及音樂,以新媒材將藝術瑰寶「敦煌飛天」的意境呈現於康公廟前地,迸發奇幻光影結合舞蹈的雅趣和美。免費入場,歡迎觀賞! 主辦 | 藝術無國界協會 合辦 | 英姿舞園 資助 | 澳門基金會 |
Macao Foundation - Performance for the Citizens "Muses in the Scroll" Outdoor Audiovisual and Dance Theatre 2014.10.18 20:00/21:00 Hong Kung Temple Square - Outdoor Performance “From where the dancing silhouettes against the moonlight came from?” The fire that causes destructions is the same that brings hope to all lives. A fire had destroyed the many scrolls of vivid drawings and the lifetime efforts of a painter. Ruthless the fire had been, it nonetheless burnt down and released the confined muses from these paper cages to dance freely in the air along with the heavenly breezes. The muses then eventually settled down in this mundane world as beautiful ladies depicted on the wall paintings inside the Dunhuang Grottoes. Later in a Grottoes trip, the painter finally met his muses again. Charmed by the various dance postures and expressions of the muses on the wall paintings, he was relieved from his loss in the fire. He saw the spirits of his drawings flow beyond the scrolls and believed true beauty lies in sharing the fascinating art with the world and taking the art into one’s heart. Arts for All Offering a surreal and vibrant feast for the eyes, the audiovisual and dance theatre will depict the ancient Dunhuang legends under the night and bring its muses to life. The muses shall dance their way into the moonlight and unveil the mysteries of the captivating stories on the Dunhuang wall paintings. The piece features both traditional and modern elements of Chinese dances and music and recaptures the legendary Dunhuang scene with new art media. Experience the grandeur and glory brought forth by the multi art forms at the Hong Kung Temple Square! * The show is admission free Organized by: Borderless Arts Co-Organized by: Ieng Chi Dance Association Sponsored by: The Macao Foundation |