澳門基金會市民專場 《旅人》舞蹈劇場 (及街頭快閃演出) 2015. 11. 28 (星期六, 20:00) |2015. 11. 29 (星期日, 15:30 / 20:00) 澳門幣120|舊法院大樓二樓(需步行上樓) 一天,她找回10年前寫給自己的信,為了幫那個曾經的自己實現當時的願望,她終於踏上了旅途,翻開行李箱,也翻開被鎖上的故事。 從一個國度移動到另一個國度,飛機移動、火車移動、雙腳移動、心在移動……在旅程的中轉站,她再次寄出一封信給10年後的自己,結果… 是她,也是你和我。 這是一部關於都市女性在旅程中自我探問的舞蹈劇場作品,從《旅人》一書的意念啟程,由真實個案出發,翻開行李箱,在生活與旅行之間,探索一份執著、一種迷思、一次對話,以及一切關於旅程的意義。 《旅人》將從肢體與物件實驗中,分析摸索富含動能的身體意象,替文本、動作及物件注入新生命,開闊趣味及想像,融合跨媒介意像,發掘我城的獨特話語。 創作團隊 編 導:劉楚華 創作友導:郭英姿|曾可為|馮國基 監 製:黃鎬藍 排練總監:劉嘉虹 戲劇構作:譚智泉 創作舞者: 劉嘉虹|伍淑華|陳紫茵|蔡曉慶|吳慧瑜|許佳琳|張綺華|鄺天樂|吳玉婷|劉杏珊|陳穎嘉|Elzira Rosario 燈光及意像設計:林俊熠@觸動創意 音樂創作:陳蔚風 服裝設計:聶雯婷 攝影:林思進|何文裕 主辦:英姿舞園 資助單位: 澳門基金會|澳門文化局 支持伙伴:髦家工作室|意動空間 |
Macao Foundation - Performance for the Citizens "Wandergirls on Tour" Dance Theatre (& flashmob performance) 2015. 11. 28 (Sat, 20:00) |2015. 11. 29 (Sun, 15:30 / 20:00) MOP 120|Old Court Building, 2nd floor (no elevator) One day, she found a letter she wrote herself when she was 18. To achieve the dream of her old self back then, she finally took on a trip and has been travelling from one place to another, on planes, in trains, on feet and with her heart. The 28 year-old is now on the road and has posted a letter to her future self of 38 years old and the story goes…. This is her, and this is you and me. A letter in the box for ten years put her trip into action That dream in the past along with her suitcase is now coming its way Flying, riding, walking, motivating herself she finally posted a letter to her future self in 10 years, and we know… This is a piece inspired by a book titled "Traveller" and looks into how urban ladies adventure into their own selves through travelling. With real-life stories constructing the background idea, the piece discusses the persistence, myths, conversations and meanings involved in travelling and living. "Wandergirls on Tour" experiments with movements and objects to study the kinetics and meaning observed in body images, actions, texts and objects. This piece is an interesting and creative adventure into multimedia and local cultures in itself. Production Team Director and Choreographer: Chloe Lao Mentors:Lilian Kuok|Phoebea Tsang|Gabriel Fung Producer:Mary Wong Rehearsal Director:Sonia Lao Dramaturg:Johnny Tam Dancers/ Creative Collaborators: Sonia Lao|Annette Ng|Iris Chan|Ashley Choi|Yvonne Ng|Karen Hoi|Eva Cheong|Yuki Ng|San Lao|Vivian Chan|Elzira Rosario|Cita Kuong Lighting and Image Designer:Calvin Lam Music Composer:Kaze Patricio Chan Costume Designer:Nip Men Teng Photography: Simson Lam|Fish Ho Organized by: Ieng Chi Dance Association Sponsored by: Macao Foundation|Macao Cultural Affairs Bureau Supported by: Mo+ Studio | Concept Pulse Studio |
《旅人》之外展活動在2015年9-11月期間舉行,舞者們將帶著行李箱,走入大三巴、噴水池前地、旅遊區及碼頭及小社區等各處,透過「車站Station」為題材之快閃舞蹈,收集大眾對旅行的想法。首場在2015年9月12日(星期六 )於噴水池及大三巴附近出動,第二期則於2015年10月25日(星期日)在澳門外港客運碼頭(港澳碼頭)展演,真正的旅人駐足定眼在看我們的《旅人》演出,感覺十分奇妙! |
Flashmob in the City
Dancers in the piece brought along their suitcases and perform flashmob dances with the theme of “Station" at different tourist spots to get in touch with the public and the travelling audience! The First Run popped up on 12 Sept 2015 at Leal Senado Square and Ruins of St.Paul. The Second Run was held on 25 October 2015 at The Outer Harbour Ferry Terminal. The crisscross of energy between the real travellers and our traveller-performers was amazing! |