澳門基金會市民專場 《沒有角的三角形》兒童歌舞劇 英姿舞園 x 大老鼠兒童戲劇團 08-09/06.2019 15:00/20:00 澳門幣150|舊法院大樓二樓(需步行上樓) 與你在大千世界中欣賞自己獨一無二的樣子 在那遙遠的部落裏有一條三角形村,全部東西都是三角形的,三角形的花、三角形的魚等等。村民都渴望讓自己成為完美的「等邊三角形」,但偏偏TriBetty這個小女孩,她生下來就是一個沒有角的三角形,她獨特的形狀成為了同學間的笑柄。一場意外,讓她認識了來自七「角」咁亂村的圓咕嚕,他們的相遇,竟然改變了三角形村的命運!! 創作團隊 藝術總監:郭英姿 導演:陳馨旋 編劇:歐志恆|陳馨旋|Annette Ng 編舞:Annette Ng 聯合監製:黃鎬藍|孫正琪 音樂總監:陳蔚風 燈光設計:林俊熠 執行舞台監督及佈景設計:林凱穎 舞台監督:麥志輝 服裝及化妝:李玉司 平面及道具設計:劉芷蕙 行政經理:吳玉婷 音響顧問:溫詩樂 演員:Annette Ng|霍嘉珩|梁展鴻|聶寧峰|鄺天樂|陳麗霞|關若斐 小演員及舞者:關亦妤|朱樂妍|黎爾淳|馬焯琳 主辦單位:英姿舞園 協辦單位:大老鼠兒童戲劇團 資助單位:澳門基金會|文化局 場地資助:文化局 查詢:28329229 *以上演出請恕只限3歲以上觀眾入場 |
Macao Foundation - Performance for the Citizens "Nothing Like A Triangle" Musical for kids ICDA X Big Mouse Kids Drama Group 08-09/06.2019 15:00/20:00 MOP 150|Old Court Building, 2nd floor (no elevator) Feel good in your own skin because everyone is uniquely beautiful! A triangle who does not look quite like her shape has been living in the Triangles’ Village with all other Triangles. She looks cute, she is also more mobile than other Triangles who walk heavily. She sings very well, with a voice better than the Triangles who scream from their pointed throat. She is a good dancer too because she is free from the few moves designed for Triangles. However, nobody likes her there because she is the only one who looks nothing like a Triangle. She does not want to be excluded anymore, so she goes to look for her angles in Polygona. Unlike what she has imagined, Polygona is not a place to shape her into something she is not, it is where all shapes feel comfortable in their own skin. The star shape shines, the heart shape sends love, the rectangle is always a good container; they all find their own happiness in life. This is where she decides to stay for good. Until one day, Polygona is in a crisis and needs the help of the Triangles’ Village. This makes her think of her parents and Triangle fellows. So, she sets off to go back to the Village and is ready to open up herself to them ⋯ Production Team: Artistic Director:Lilian Kuok Director:Pinky Chan Playwright:Ivan Ao|Pinky Chan|Annette Ng Choreographer:Annette Ng Co-producers:Mary Wong|Sarah Sun Music Director:Patricio Kaze Chan Lighting Design:Calvin Lam DSM and Set Design:Lam Hoi Weng SM:Mak Chi Fai Costumes and Make up:Zomi Lee Graphics and set design:Mirabella Lao Admin manager:Yuki Ng Audio Consultant:Wan Si Lok Performers:Annette Ng|Perry Fok|Endy Leong|Nicholas Nip|Cita Kuong|Raphaela Chan|Ines Kuan Kid Performers:Kuan Iek Yu|Chu Lok In|Lai Yi Sun|Ma Cheok Lam Organized by: Ieng Chi Dance Association Co-Organized by:Big Mouse Kids Drama Group Sponsored by:Macao Foundation|ICM Venue sponsored by:ICM Inquiry:28329229 *For audience aged 3 or above. |
14.06.2019 19:45-20:45 英姿舞園 於門市購票時報名的首15組觀眾(15名兒童及其1-2名家長)可免費參與該互動工作坊,先報先得,額滿即止! 以親子工作坊的形式,讓家長及兒童以活潑的方式融入劇場環境。工作坊中,家長與兒童一起以肢體遊戲活動,開發兒童對劇情的想像,從而融入劇情的創作氛圍之中,帶著這樣的心境了解劇場,以「非觀眾」的身份回顧演出。 |
14.06.2019 19:45-20:45 at Ieng Chi Dance Association The first 15 families (15 kids with 1-2 of their parents) who registered with Macau when they buy their tickets can participate in this interactive workshop for free on a first come first serve basis. In this interactive workshop, the participants will be immersed in the world created by the musical. Both parents and kids will be engaged in games and activities designed to boost their imagination and allow them to enter different scenes of the musical as a participant rather as an audience. |