2009.12.04 3pm, 8pm 澳門文化中心小劇院 澳門英姿舞園為慶祝成立十周年舉行“跳躍·森林”舞蹈專場匯演,由百多名本地年輕舞蹈員聯手獻演原創編排的舞蹈,打破以中國古典舞及民間舞為演出主軸的傳統,讓舞蹈愛好者感受本地青少年對藝術的熱愛與專業態度。 兩場匯演獲澳門文化中心及澳門基金會贊助,分別於2009年12月4日下午三時、晚上八時假文化中心小劇院舉行,由近一百四十名本地年輕舞蹈員參演,共同打造十五個以關愛大自然為主題的舞蹈表演,糅合兒童舞、現代舞、爵士芭蕾舞及爵士舞等不同元素,大部分原創舞蹈由本地導師編排,從《晨初現》至《小矮人》、《森林女兒》,發展到《黑夜降臨》,逐步揭示大自然與人類的關係,藉此喚起社會各界尤其青少年對大自然的保護意識。 英姿舞園團長郭英姿接受訪問時表示,隨澳門社會迅速發展,深切體會到在澳門創辦一個以專業舞蹈為基礎的舞團,以培養下一代具有藝術觸覺的必要性。回顧英姿舞園過去十年的歷程,透過舉辦舞蹈課程、交流演出等活動,使澳門不同年齡人士均有機會接觸及學習正統舞蹈,進一步推廣澳門的舞蹈藝術。 此外,“跳躍·森林”舞蹈解構工作坊於2009年12月10日(星期六)下午三時假英姿舞園舉行,舞團導師為參與者即席講解並示範匯演當日的舞蹈,讓公眾更全面認識匯演的精粹。 主辦:英姿舞園 贊助:澳門基金會|澳門文化中心場租贊助 |
"Rhythm of the Forest" Dance Recital
2009.12.04 3pm, 8pm Small Auditorium, Macau Cultural Center To celebrate the 10th anniversary of ICDA, the recital performance “Rhythm of the Forest" was created in 2009 and more than 100 local young dancers participated in it. With original choreography, the performance adds to the diversification of recitals in Macao, which usually consists of only traditional Chinese classical dance and folk dance. With this new approach, the audience and dance enthusiasts could associate more deeply with the passion of local young people and professional attitude for the art of dance. The performances were sponsored by Maca0 Cultural Center and the Maca0 Foundation. They were held at 3 pm on December 4, 2009 and at 8 pm in the Small Auditorium of Macao Cultural Centre. The dances were all created to the theme of protecting the nature and gradually reveal the relationship between nature and human as the dances go one by one. The show calls for the awareness, especially that of young people’s, to the protection of our environment. With the rapid development of Macao society, founder Lilian Kuok said that she felt the need to set up a professional dance-based dance company in Macau to cultivate the local artistic scene for the coming generations. In the course of the past ten years, ICDA has always taken the chance to promote the dance of art through dance courses, performances, exchange programs and other activities, so that people of all ages in Macau will have the opportunity to know the goodness of dancing. In addition to the performance, a post-show workshop was also held at 10:00 pm on December 10, 2009 at ICDA Studio. The dance troupe explained and demonstrated the dance pieces shown in the performance for the workshop participants so as to better deliver the essence of the show to the public. Organized by: Ieng Chi Dance Association Sponsored by: Macao Foundation|Macao Cultural Centre (PR Scheme) |
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工作坊 Workshops 校際舞蹈比賽 Inter-School Dance Competition
教育中心 Ed Centre 開放日 Open Day 匯報演出 Recitals
工作坊 Workshops 校際舞蹈比賽 Inter-School Dance Competition
© 2020 Ieng Chi Dance Association