導師 2009年畢業於澳門演藝學院舞蹈學校全日制”舞蹈技術課程”中國舞專業。在校期間, 隨澳門演藝學院舞蹈學校赴北京參加全國文華藝術院校獎“第八屆桃李杯舞蹈比賽” 、赴上海參加藝術交流演出、以及到鄭州參演“第十屆亞洲藝術節”。曾任本澳“澳門回歸十周年文藝晚會”表演嘉賓、於第十八屆澳門國際藝術節大型舞蹈晚會《心中花園》演出;並參演澳門演藝學院舞蹈學校大型原創舞劇《奔月》及《波箂羅》的首演;更曾多次演繹《遠去的孩子》、《霓裳韻》、《麈封》及《海引》等經典節目。隨後,2014年畢業於北京舞蹈學院編導系(中國舞編導專業)。在校期間,參演編導系中國舞編導班舞劇《戲夢人生》畢業公演。現已考獲北京舞蹈學院一至七級《中國舞等級教師資格證書》、一至二級《芭蕾舞等級教師資格證書》。 畢業後,出演英姿舞園2015年敦煌舞蹈詩劇《沙途》女主角。個人編創作品有《長影》、《遠在身邊》、 《碧綠輕柳》、《花季》及共編《沙途》舞劇等。現從事舞蹈編創及教育工作、於不同舞團、政府部門以及中小學擔任舞蹈教師及編舞。 |
Rostia Ng
Dance Instructor Rosita Ng graduated from the Full-Time Dance Program (Specification: Chinese Dance) at the School of Dance of the Macao Conservatory in 2009. During her artistic endeavor with the Macao Conservatory, she participated in the 8th Taoli Cup Dance Competition hosted by the National Wenhua Art Academy Awards in Beijing, exchange performances in Shanghai and the 10th Asian Art Festival in Zhengzhou. She served as a guest performer at the “Art Gala of the 10th Anniversary of the Macao SAR" and performed in the the 18th Macao International Arts Festival for “A Garden in the Heart” by the Macao Conservatory. She also participated in the premieres of the Macao Conservatory’s “Fly to the Moon" and “Boléro” and other short pieces such as "Children Far Away", "Níshang yùn", "Seal", and "Hai Yin”. In 2014, she graduated from the Beijing Dance Academy (Specification: Chinese Dance Choreography) with a public graduation performance “Xi Meng Ren Sheng”. She obtained the teaching qualifications of the Beijing Dance Academy Chinese Dance Graded Exam Syllabus (Grade 1-7) and the Ballet Graded Exam Syllabus (Grade 1-2). After her graduation, she co-choreographed and performed as the main role in the Dunhuang dance poem “Memory Mirage” of Ieng Chi Dance Association Macao. Her choreographies include short pieces “A Shadow from Afar”, “So Far Yet So Close”, “Green Willows”, and “The Season of Flowers”. At present, she mainly engages in areas of dance education and creation, and works as an instructor and choreographer in different studios, government departments and schools. |