《同一片天空》多媒體兒童舞蹈劇場 詳情 日期:2024年3月24日 (週日) 時間:19:30演出|20:45演後分享會 場地:巴黎人劇場(澳門巴黎人酒店5樓) 票價:180/220/250 澳門元 公開發售日期:2024年3月1日中午12:00起,線上及電話熱線同步發售|3月2日起可於現場購票點購票 *演出及演後分享會語言為廣東話 * *建議入場觀賞年齡 - 5歲或以上* 兒童畫作網上展覽:2024年3月11日 - 4月7日 網上及熱線訂票 (2024年3月1日中午12:00起)(購票後需按指示於取票點取票) 🚨3月1日公開發售首天不設現場售票 🔹金光票務網頁: https://hk.cotaiticketing.com/shows/icda2024.html 🔹金光票務熱線: +853 2882 8818 (澳門), +852 3065 9899 (香港), 4008 42 9018 (中國內地) 🔶注意:熱線服務時間為星期一至日11:00-19:00, 首天發售時間為中午12:00。 進行電話購票前請先準備好個人信用卡以及個人聯絡資料。請留意票務只可接受信用卡持有人使用自己之信用卡進行購票。 現場購票點(公開發售隔天 - 2024年3月2日起) 🔹澳門威尼斯人®渡假村西翼大堂金光綜藝館售票處 (每天11:00-19:00)、 🔹澳門威尼斯人®東門大堂金沙時尚前檯 (每天10:00-23:00 )、 🔹澳門巴黎人®正門大堂金沙時尚前檯 (每天10:00-23:00)、 🔹澳門倫敦人®購物中心二樓之金沙時尚前檯 (每天10:00-23:00)、 🔶演出日另加開澳門巴黎人®巴黎人劇場售票處 (3月24日16:30-20:30 ) 理念 《同一片天空》是一齣宣揚和平的多媒體兒童舞蹈劇場。演出透過呈現和平與戰爭國度的強烈對比,以舞蹈、戲劇及歌唱的表達方式,探視戰爭帶來的禍害,同時啓發演員及觀眾以世界大同的理念帶來更多對和平的思考及想像。 全劇由兒童演員擔綱「唱、跳、演」,並沿用舞園的「互動舞蹈教室」方法,以討論、畫作、遊戲等邀請小舞者表達所想,共同創作舞劇內容,同時讓演員代入情節及角色開拓「同理共感」的想象,寄願小演員放眼不同國度發生的事,以關懷的態度傳達堅毅的精神。演出除了加入互動創作元素,亦邀請了本澳舞台形象設計師、歌曲創作人、多媒體、平面及燈光設計師一同加入創作,以各種創意藝術媒介共同打造更具感染力的演出。 故事大綱 世界每天幻變,因著人類的活動而改變。人類美好,於是世界美好;人類惡劣,於是世界惡劣。 天上千顆月亮,萬顆太陽,地上的人類卻生活如常。原來這是一個人造的世界,鐵造的皮膚、鋼造的心,沒血肉沒溫度,沒有愛。這是一個冷冰冰的世界。天使把時間撥回世界之初,希望以愛換回從前的世界…… 更多創作背景 舞園過去創作了多個為兒童而設、由兒童演出及由兒童參與「互動教室」共同創作的作品。作品包括有涉及環保及兒童心理建設的主題。這些演出都得到很好的迴響,除了因小演員在親身演出主題後有很深切的感受,家長也多了機會與小朋友就主題討論及溝通,讓主題思想在他們心中得以醞釀發酵,應用到生活當中。經過多年的經驗及體會,舞園認為可以透過多媒體兒童舞劇形式展開針對社會主題作出教育對策。兒童主演舞劇可以讓小朋友深度參與議題,多媒體元素亦會令觀眾覺得引人入勝,舞劇方式可為兒童及大眾更具體整理社會問題的原因及改善願景。我們希望藉著《同一片天空》以富感染力的藝術媒介及正面積極的態度啓發兒童及大眾對世界和平的更多思考及創意對策。 《同一片天空》演後分享會 導演Annette Ng將與特邀幼兒教育專家劉乃華教授攜手緊隨演出後與觀眾會面,分享演出相關之兒童藝術及社會教育主題點滴。 **演後分享會以廣東話進行;只限已購買《同一片天空》門票之觀眾參與** 日期:2024年3月24日(週日) 時間:20:45 地點:巴黎人劇場 參與:只限已購買《同一片天空》門票之觀眾免費參與 《同一片天空》互動教室兒童畫作網上展覽-多媒體創作 X 互動教室畫作 於線下,舞劇將運用互動教室中的兒童畫作,轉化成多媒體動畫,於演出中投影成演出的場境,帶動故事發展。於線上,我們將設置互動教室畫作之線上展覽,讓更多大眾可以觀看互動創作的努力成果。劇目的平面設計及主題形象亦將以畫作的內容為中心。不論線上線下,都聚焦及融入更多來自小演員的創作元素,以她們的角度看反戰和平的主題。 日期:2024年3月11日-4月7日 連結:visit.virtualartgallery.com/theskybetweenyouandme 團隊 藝術總監:郭英姿 導演、編舞、編劇:伍淑華 監製:黃鎬藍 助理監製:彭暟瑩 排練導師:英姿舞園導師 舞者及演員:英姿舞園兒童團團員 舞台監督:李榮杰 執行舞台監督:湯詩敏 燈光設計:杜國康 音樂設計及總監:陳蔚風 主題曲創編及填詞:黃以禮 音響技術指導:溫詩樂 服裝及形象設計、製作:李玉司 多媒體影像繪圖:英姿舞園兒童團團員 多媒體動畫製作:馮肖影@覺度廣告設計 平面設計:馮肖影@覺度廣告設計 後台主任:蘇咏芬 攝影:林亮、盧聖生、葉成就、林永恆 錄影:譚家燊 敬請注意 **請於演前30分鐘到場,有序泊車、乘電梯/升降機及入座進場 **網上及熱線訂票人士請預留足夠時間提前取票,如需於演出當天到巴黎人劇場票房取票,為能確保準時入場,請至少提前1小時到達 **一人一票進場,小童觀眾亦需持獨立門票 **演出現場嚴禁拍攝/錄影/飲食,或攜帶大型行李進場 聯絡及查詢 電話:28329229、65620389 (Whatsapp) 電郵:[email protected] Facebook: @ICDAMacao Instagram: @iengchidance 微信:澳門英姿舞園 主辦:英姿舞園 資助:澳門特別行政區政府文化發展基金 化妝贊助:Perfect Stage 專業化妝學校- 澳門分校 協力統籌:英姿舞蹈藝術教育中心 合作夥伴:巴黎人劇場 |
ICDA 25th Anniversary Presents
The Sky Between You and Me Children’s Multimedia Dance Theatre Info Date:2024.03.24 (Sun) Time:19:30|20:45 Post- Performance Sharing Venue:Parisian Theatre (5/F, The Parisian Macao) Ticket Price: MOP $ 180, 220, 250 Ticket Public Sale opens on: 2024.03.01, 12:00 noon, online and telephone bookings | In-person ticket purchase will be available from 2024.03.02 * Performance and Post-Performance Sharing to be conducted in Cantonese* * Age Limit:For 5 years old or above Online exhibition of artworks created by performers: 2024.03.11 - 04.07 Ticket Purchase - Online and Telephone Booking (starting from 2024.03.01 12:00 noon (Tickets to be collected at designated locations) 🚨In-person ticket purchase at box office sales points is NOT available on 2024.03.01, first day of public sale. 🔹Internet Booking at Cotai Ticketing website: https://hk.cotaiticketing.com/shows/icda2024.html 🔹Telephone Booking at Cotai Ticketing hotline: +853 2882 8818 (MO), +852 3065 9899 (HK), 4008 42 9018 (China) 🔶Remarks:telephone booking service is open from 11am-7pm, the first day of sale opens at 12:00 noon. Please have your credit card details and contact information ready for your purchase. Please note that you must be the credit card holder in order to make a booking using this service. Ticket Purchase - In-person at Box Office Locations (available on 2024.03.02) 🔹Cotai Arena Box Office – West Lobby of The Venetian® Macao-Resort-Hotel (11:00-19:00 Daily) 🔹Sands Lifestyle Counter at the Hotel Main Lobby of The Venetian ® Macao (11:00-23:00 Daily) 🔹Sands Lifestyle Counter at Hotel Main Entrance of The Parisian ® Macao (10:00-23:00 Daily) 🔹Sands Lifestyle Counter at Level 2, Shoppes at Londoner® Macao (10:00-23:00 Daily)🔹 🔶Extra box office location on show date at Parisian Theatre Box Office - The Parisian® Macao (2024.03.24, 16:30-20:30) About The Sky Between You and Me is a children’s multimedia dance theatre calling for world peace. Through contrasting a world of peace and a world of wars, the performance uses the arts of dancing, theatre and singing to portray the destructive influences of wars and calls for positive imagination and actions towards a peaceful world. The show is performed by and co-created with a full cast of children dancers and actors. Engaged in a co-creative process of “interactive dance classes”, these young performers are encouraged to be more empathetic with the anti-war topic and express their ideas through discussions, drawings and games, so as to convey spirits of hope and perseverance to different corners of the world. The performance is also a platform for transdisciplinary collaboration. Local costume and make-up designers, music composers, songwriters, multimedia artists, graphic designers and lighting designers are invited to create an affective performance together with us. Synopsis The world changes everyday with human activities. It creates beauty because humans see and act for the beauty in everything around them. It embodies misery if humans are sad and broken with conflicts and divisions. In a world with a thousand moons and even more suns, its inhabitants live a seemingly normal life. These inhabitants are steel-like without love and warmth, they have created an ice-cold world. Angels come and wish to turn back the clock, with a mission to bring back love and vitality to this lifeless world. The Sky Between You and Me Post-Performance Sharing Director Annette Ng and invited early childhood education expert Prof. Nai-Hua LIU will meet and share with the audience after the performance perspectives on the topic of arts and social education for children. **The Sharing Session will be conducted in Cantonese and attended by audience who have purchased the tickets of The Sky Between You and Me. Date:2024.03.24 (Sun) Time:20:45 Venue:Parisian Theatre Participation: To be attended free of charge by audience with tickets of The Sky Between You and Me Online Exhibition - Artworks created by kids in the co-creation of The Sky Between You and Me On the stage, the performance will incorporate the artworks created by our kid performers during the co-creation process into the graphic design and multimedia elements within the story. Off the stage, these artworks will be exhibited online to showcase the discussions and expressions of these kid performers as inspirations for the creative elements of the show, which further extends the reach of their thoughts and perspectives regarding the topics of world peace and anti-war. Date:2024.03.11 - 04.07 Link: visit.virtualartgallery.com/theskybetweenyouandme Team Artistic Director:Lilian Ieng Chi Kuok Director, Playwright, Choreographer:Annette Ng Producer:Mary Wong Assistant Producer:Josephine Pang Rehearsal Assistants: Instructors of ICDA Dancers:Members from ICDA Kid Dance Troupe Technical Director Stage Manager:Patrick Lei Deputy Stage Manager :Sarah Tong Lighting Design and Execution:Ketamine Tou Music Composer, Sound Effect Designer:Kaze Patricio Chan Song Composer and Lyricist: EK Wong Sound Engineering: Wan Si Lok Animation and Graphic Design:Shadow Fong @View Design Costume and Image - Design and Production: Zomi Lee Backstage Manager: Sou Weng Fan Photographers:Energy Lam, Louis Lou, Justin Ip, Dicky Lam Video Recording: Kasan Tam Remarks **Please arrive at least 30 minutes prior to the performance time, so that the audience can arrive in a timely manner after parking, and travel to the theatre. **For purchases made online or through telephone booking, tickets should be collected in advance at designated locations. If tickets have to be collected at the Parisian Theatre box office on 2024.03.24, please arrive at least 1 hour prior to the show time to ensure punctual entrance. **Every audience should present their own ticket upon entering the theatre, including children. **No photography, filming, drinking, eating, and large-sized baggage are allowed in the theatre venue and during the performance. Contact and Inquiry Tel:28329229, 65620389 (Whatsapp) Email:[email protected] Facebook: @ICDAMacao Instagram: @iengchidance WeChat: 澳門英姿舞園 Organizer: Ieng Chi Dance Association Sponsor: Cultural Development Fund of the Macao Special Administrative Region Government Make Up Sponsor : Perfect Stage Professional Make Up Academy (Macao) Coordination:Ieng Chi Dance Education Center Cooperate Partner: The Parisian Theatre |