多媒體水墨舞蹈劇場《Beyond TiMe 流轉之間》
"一缽水有無量眾生" 2023年,為英姿舞園25週年,也引領我們思索關於「時間」的一切。 《Beyond TiMe 流轉之間》啓發自物理學家霍金《時間簡史》一書,該著作宛如一扇窗,即使是科學門外漢彷彿也能從中窺探扣人心弦的時空奧祕,翱遊寰宇。作品由編導劉楚華、水墨多媒體藝術家吳少英、燈光及佈景設計林俊熠共同構思,聯同居澳日藉音樂人福島章嗣、北京軟件工程師姜軍,以及本地獨立創作舞者梁保昇、蕭嘉儀、許佳琳及伍淑華等共同詮譯關於“時間與空間、虛無與實相、觀察與遊離”的種種關係,並透過對物料、形體、聲音的實驗,共同探索當中的吉光片羽、記憶流轉。 2023/11/25(六 Sat)20:00 2023/11/26(日 Sun)15:00、20:00 地點:文化中心黑盒劇場-黑盒 I 門票鏈結:www.macauticket.com 票務查詢熱線:(853) 2855 5555 實體購票點:澳門售票網 (廣星) 各大門市 票價:MOP200 優惠: -超時空優惠: 11月5日或之前購票可享6折優惠 -早鳥優惠: 11月6日至12日或之前購票可享7折優惠 -結伴時間之旅套票:11月13日起購買2張或以上8折 *演出時長:約60分鐘,沒有中場休息 *6歲以下禁止入場,6至11歲以下建議家長陪同 **為免影響演出,觀眾務請準時入場。 **場地管理人員有權不讓遲到或中途離場的觀眾進場,亦有權決定其進場的時間及方式。 **演出現場嚴禁拍攝/錄影/飲食,或攜帶大型行李進場 活動詳情:https://www.facebook.com/ICDAMacao 製作團隊 總概念及策劃:劉楚華、吳少英、林俊熠 編導:劉楚華 創作舞者/表演者:許佳琳、蕭嘉儀、梁保昇、伍淑華、劉楚華、福島章嗣 ⽔墨多媒體設計:吳少英 燈光及佈景設計:林俊熠 現場音樂設計:福島章嗣 監製:鄺華歡 執行監製:廖家琪 舞台監督:李榮杰 執行舞台監督:劉芷蕙@米製作 平面及場刊設計:馮肖影@覺度廣告設計 服裝設計:李玉司 影像紀錄:丘智華 攝影:林亮 等 翻譯校對:黃鎬藍 嗚謝:「於時」創意總監馮延、水墨多媒體軟件工程師姜軍 主辦單位:英姿舞園 協辦單位:意動空間|點象藝術協會|澳門視覺藝術產業協會|北京於時新媒體團隊|觸動創意|展峰製作 資助單位:澳門特別行政區政府文化發展基金 嗚謝:文化局澳門文化中心場租豁免 |
Multimedia Ink Dance Theatre
<Beyond TiMe> "A bowl of water contains countless sentient beings." 2023 marks the 25th anniversary of Ieng Chi Dance Association, and this particular moment leads us to contemplate everything about "time". Beyond TiMe is inspired by Stephen Hawking's book A Brief History of Time, which is like a window to the captivating mysteries of time and space and a door through the universe. This performance is created by director Chole Lao, multimedia ink artist Cindy Ng, lighting and set designer Calvin Lam, along with Macao-based musician Akitsugu Fukushima from Japan, software engineer Jiang Jun from Beijing, and Macao dance artists Leong Pou Seng, Cynthia Sio, Karen Hoi, and Annette Ng. Together, they interpret various inquiries about “time and space, void and reality, observation and detachment”, and explore the ephemeral nature of being and the transience of memories through experiments with materials, forms and sounds. Date/Time: Nov 25, 2023 (Sat) 20:00 Nov 26, 2023 (Sun) 15:00, 20:00 Venue:Macao Cultural Centre Box I Tickets are available at KongSeng: MOP200 https://www.macauticket.com/TicketWeb2023/en/programme/P-003794 Special Offers: - Hyperspace Discount: 40% off for tickets purchased on or before Nov 5 - Early Bird Discount: 30% off for tickets purchased between Nov 6 to Nov 12 - Time Travel Companions Package: Buy 2 or more tickets and enjoy 20%off starting from Nov 13 *Performance length : around 60 mins (no intermission) * Children below the age of 6 are not allowed for admission. Children between 6-11 are recommended to be accompanied by parents. **Patrons are advised to arrive punctually. **The management reserves the right to refuse or to determine the time and manner of admission of latecomers and the re-admission of patrons who leave the venue. ** No photos, videos, eating, drinking and large-size belongings are allowed in the venue. Event Details: https://www.facebook.com/ICDAMacao Production Team: Concept and Coordination: Chole Lao, Cindy Ng, Calvin Lam Director: Chole Lao Creative Dancers/Performers: Karen Hoi, Leong Pou Seng, Cynthia Sio, Annette Ng, Chole Lao, Akitsugu Fukushima Ink Multimedia Designer: Cindy Ng Lighting and Set Designer: Calvin Lam Live Music Designer: Akitsugu Fukushima Organiser: Ieng Chi Dance Association Co-organiser: Concept Pulse Studio, Point View Association, Macau Visual Arts Industry Association, A Time, Inspiration 4Cs, Chin Fong Production Sponsored by: Cultural Development Fund of the Macao Special Administrative Region Venue Sponsored by: Macao Cultural Affairs Bureau, CCM – Concessionary Rate |