「舞聲舞息」實驗舞蹈作品孵化計劃 - 2018 第二期 30/09/2018 3PM & 8PM, 舊法院大樓黑盒劇場2樓 階段性呈現|演後分享 「舞聲舞息」為一作品孵化平臺,同時探索“創作人-作品-觀眾-討論空間”四者之間的相互作用,包括:創作人之間的相互觀察及討論、作品在探索過程作階段性呈現的機會、創作人與觀眾輕鬆對談的空間、 以及創作人在階段性呈現的過程中,與跨界藝術家及不同背景人士的接觸機會,讓作品的後續發展可產生更多火花。作為一個孵化平臺,「舞聲舞息」期待各位觀眾一起參與這次作品孵化的呈現,一起看舞、討論和閒談,發掘可能性。 「舞聲舞息」於2018年1月首次作公開階段式創作呈現。於2018年9月進行第二期創作及討論。 參與者及作品:
更多節目資訊 製作人: 劉楚華 Chloe Lao 聯合監製: Mary Wong|吳玉婷 燈光設計: 林俊熠 平面設計: 馮肖影@海納創作 主辦單位 |英姿舞園 支持單位 |意動空間 資助單位 |文化局 澳門基金會 技術統籌 |觸動創意 媒體伙伴 | Za誌 電話:(853) 28329229 電郵:[email protected] 以下相片由 Energy Lam 拍攝 |
Dansations – an Incubation Project - 2018 Phase II 30/09/2018 3PM & 8PM, Old Court Building, 2nd Floor A Work-in-Progress Research Presentation|Round Table Discussion “Dansations" is an incubation platform which transforms the interactions among the creator, work, audience and discussions into catalysts for the development of dance and movement creations. Such interactions take the forms of discussion and observations among the participating creators, presentations of works-in-progress, conversations among the participating creators and the audience, and cross-disciplinary exchanges among the creators and professionals from various areas. Providing the space and occasions for these dialogues, “Dansations” wishes to bring forth even more interesting developments for the participating creations in the project. We cordially invite the audience to take part in this incubation process and join us in observing the works, discussing about the works and seeking potentials from the works. Dansations has its first Work-In-Progress presentation in January 2018 and continues the second phase of its presentations and discussions in September 2018. Participants and works:
More Info on the works Producer: Chloe Lao Lighting Design: Calvin Lam Graphic Design: Shadow Fong Organizer |Ieng Chi Dance Association Sponsors |Cultural Affairs Bureau, Macau Foundation Supporter |Concept Pulse Studio Technical Support| Inspiration 4Cs Media Partner| ZA Magazine (853) 28329229 Email:[email protected] Photo Credit: Energy Lam |